Beelitz Heilstätten, which is German for Sanatoriums, is a huge area near Berlin containing dozens of now abandoned sanatoriums. Originally built and opened at the end of the 19th century, mainly lung diseases were treated there. During World War I and, later, World War II, the sanatoriums at Beelitz were used as military hospitals.
Once Germany was defeated at the end of World War II, the red army seized ownership of the area. After the iron curtain fell and Germany was united again in 1991, the area and buildings were abandoned and surrendered to decay.
In this portfolio, you’ll see 42 photos from various areas and buildings at Beelitz Heilstätten, that was also used as a filming location for movies like Valkyrie (starring Tom Cruise), Men & Chicken and, most recently, A Cure for Wellness. Fun Fact: the German Horror Movie “Heilstätten” is set to play at Beelitz but was actually filmed at the abandoned Heilstätten in Grabowsee.
All the 42 Photos in this portfolio were #shotoniPhone between 2015 and 2018.

This part of the abandoned building at the Beelitz-Heilstätten was used in the movie “A cure for wellness” and therefore restored to its original state - before it started to decay 40 years ago.

The abandoned sanatoriums at Beelitz are totally empty. So I was quite excited to discover this chair at one of the rooms there.

One of the things you don't expect or want to find in an abandoned place.

A small room, renovated for the film “A cure for Wellness”

This is how a film set looks like. The hallway from which I took the photo was restored for the film „A cure for wellness“. All the rooms behind the closed door are decayed.

Thought it’s about time to show a photo of the abandoned sanatoriums at Beelitz from the outside.

This dining hall that’s located in an abandoned sanatorium in Beelitz, Germany, was used for a scene in the movie “A cure for wellness”.

Another part of the abandoned sanatorium in Beelitz that was restored for the movie “A cure for wellness”. Lockhart drinks from that tap during the movie. Lockhart drinks some water here.

Well, nature is definitely stronger!

I guess this is how a roof that could collapse any minute now.

Three legged chair | Beelitz-Heilstätten, Germany

Concert Hall | Beelitz, Germany

Close the Door | Beelitz, Germany

Watch Out | Beelitz, Germany

Entrance Hall | Beelitz, Germany

Peeling Off | Beelitz, Germany

The End | Beelitz, Germany

Red Hallway | Beelitz, Germany

An hour from Berlin is Beelitz. A small town with a huge area of abandoned Sanatoriums that were originally used to treat lung diseases. During the two world wars, wounded were treated here and the buildings were abandoned shortly after World War II