8 second long exposure taken with Slow Shutter Cam app in Low Light Mode. Taken in a rainy Sunday evening in Budapest.

Lucky me that I could go on a photo trip exploring a lost place right after I got my new iPhone XS camera

I just loved all those medieval streets and walkways in Talinn at night!

Looking for this well known photo spot in Hallstatt? Just follow the crowd.

The palace of culture is a great photo spot at day and night. So many different angles and so many different surroundings. This is a long exposure take. with Slow Shutter Cam App set to light trail mode.

Welcome Warsaw! I managed to „have contact“ with police within 30 minutes of my arrival. Allegedly there’s a building on the left that must not be photographed.

A little more than three years ago, I took the same photo with iPhone. Back then, there was no low light mode and no Lightroom as we have it today. And I’ve learned a thing or two about iPhone photography.

I know that I’m repeating myself but I can’t stress enough how important it is to get up early. Just a few minutes after I got this photo right after the park opened, it was filled with people.

I guess this is how a roof that could collapse any minute now.

Saxophone Player | New York, USA

A classic New York photo. Taken with ProCamera in Low Light+ Mode.

Perfect early morning light. I liked how the light shines frontally on Lady Liberty.

A long exposure of the NY skyline taken from Brooklyn using Slow Shutter Cam App

9/11 Memorial | New York, United States

Didn’t know that this is actually the biggest church in Austria (in terms of how many people fit in)

Got up early to be able to get this shot. Starting at 10, ships start to cruise and the lake gets quite busy.

A 2x close taken with iPhone 7 Plus of of a beautiful waterfall in the middle of Berlin. Guess I have to talk to the Major of Vienna. Want such a big waterfall here, too.

Probably one of the oldest buildings in Vienna. An HDR created from three bracketed shots using Pureshot App and Pro HDR X

One of my favorite views in Vienna. It has everything: Water, Architecture, Nature and reflections.

Liechtenstein Gorge is a beautiful, narrow gorge near Salzburg with a beautiful sight and photo spot behind each ledge.

I never thought that it was possible to take a photo like this with an iPhone. But the low light modes in ProCamera make it possible.

Collision Prevention | Lossiemouth, Scotland

This one was tough to retouch. I spent only a few days in Edinburgh and they were building a stage for some kind of festival here. Using Pixelmator, I removed the stage, people and other stuff around the monument.

Visiting Pripyat and the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone was the most exciting Trip in 2016. Here I'm on the terrace of the former cultural palace looking at the iconic ferris wheel

Alexander Nevsky Cathedrahl | Sofia, Bulgaria

During the past years, a number of modern apartment and office buildings were put up in Vienna's 2nd district. This district is called "quarter two" and that seems to be a pun. Not only in german :)

When I arrived at the scene to pigeon swarm was flying around the Ateneul. But they were either too high or too low. So i positioned myself with the iPhone ready to shoot. And when the swarm came the way I pictured it, I hit the shutter release and using burst mode, I got the shot how I wanted it.

I got this shot during take off on a flight to Tirana, Albania - before iOS allowed you to create an artificial bouquet. How I did it is outlined in my blog.

Fountain Rainbow | Las Vegas, United States

Bodie is a fascinating ghost town in California. It has been preserved in arrested decay since the 1940s. Allegedly, this was a former hotel

Even during a day with moderate temperature beaches like this are not empty. So I used Touch Retouch App to remove 6 people from this beach to get the nice, empty beach mood.

I got this shot out of a plane window after a 12 hour flight to San Francisco

Iceland has many great waterfalls but this one wins the price for the most beautiful one. Moreover, i was almost alone here. No tourist busses like at all the other ones.

One of the most breathtaking waterfalls in Iceland. There's a small path with hundreds of stairs to the right. From up there you'll have an awesome view. And look out for rainbows!

Memorial | Berlin, Germany

A 40 secon long exposure of the London Eye taken with Slow Shutter Cam. Luckily, it does not spin that fast.

During the 2015 trip to London I experimented with different methods to capture better photos at night. Took this one with Slow Shuttet Cam APPA

Ducks at Sunset | Neusiedler Lake, Austria

During this trip to Las Vegas I started to photograph more and more with my iPhone and left the big camera in the hotel. I also experimented editing the photos right on the iPhone.
Why iPhone Photography?
I love to travel light and with carry on luggage only. During a trip to Las Vegas in 2012 I tried to photography using my iPhone only and I felt that the results were good enough. Over the past years, the iPhone itself, (third party) camera apps and photo editing apps have evolved and became better and better. Today, using an iPhone, I can shoot raw, take long exposures, manually control shutter speed and ISO. I'm able to remove objects, fix plunging lines, and develop photos using Adobe Lightroom.
To see how I use an iPhone only to shoot, edit, manage and share my travel photos on the go, head over to my iPhone photography blog. Any other questions? Drop me a line!
If you want to stay up to date, subscribe to my Facebook page, connect with me on Twitter, follow me on Instagram or check my photo feed on Flickr.